2024: What Could We Expect?

I’ve made a few predictions about 2024, so this is the year to see if they come true. I’m not sure how many of these I’ve posted on social media and how many I’ve just said in conversations, but I’ll post them here as documentation and then see what I get right. Again, these predictions (not prophecies) are based on my eschatological view. We’ll see if I have the opportunity next year to review these. Let’s go.

I mentioned that I believe the Messiah will return before 2030. That year marks 2000 years since the Ascension. I don’t hold fast to the 7-year Tribulation view so the return could be any time from now until 2030. And again, I reserve the right to be wrong. To that point, some of my predictions for 2024 have changed over the past few years. Let’s start with those.

My flat-earth friends won’t like this one, but so be it. NASA has desired to go back to the moon but they put it on the back burner for a long time for whatever reason. I believe the funding for any more moon missions was pulled in 1972ish. President Trump set a goal of returning to the moon by 2024. NASA then set a date to put someone on Mars by 2030. As much as I love hearing about the wonders of space and the great unknown, I took these goal-setting dates as this generation’s Tower of Babel moment. We may or may not return to the moon, but I believe God will intervene at that point or before. Whether that’s because of the return of His Son or because of World War III, I believe the world will be busy with other things more urgent than going to the moon. However, NASA has pushed back the return to the moon to 2025. But keep an ear open for news from NASA, SpaceX, or even China which wants to gain prominence in space. That’s why President Trump implemented the Space Force as another military branch.

Here’s another one that I got wrong.  In my last post, I mentioned that I thought the US would be in some kind of war in 2023.  That means that 2024 would have started off a lot differently than it has.  I thought the US would be attacked before Israel and we (The US) would be spread too thin to defend ourselves.  That prediction is bound to come true in 2024.  Our military is being depleted, recruitment is down, and we are involved in two, going on three, wars.  The border fiasco has seen countless numbers of military-aged men from China and countries that support terrorism to the point that the Intelligence Community has warned that they are expecting some 9/11-level attack from within.

Next on the list is the 2024 election. I have said since 2018 that I don’t think there will be a 2024 election. For various reasons, the USA is in the crosshairs of the world. China wants to destroy us. The Democrats want to turn us into a whole different country. Islam calls us the Great Satan and wants to see our demise. The UN, the one-world government, The Great Reset, COP28, and the whole climate change hoax; all need the Constitution to be destroyed so they can take over America and put us in line. That’s why the Democrats are trying to subvert the Constitution and convince everybody that we are a democracy. Thereby, the majority rules and they can take over our government fully. Why do you think Biden has allowed millions of people to pour over our border illegally? They are all potential new Democrat voters. I believe that all of these things will come to a head this year and we will be struggling to keep this country intact. This year may be the death of America as we know it. I hope I am wrong, but the signs point to troubling times coming soon. Prepare accordingly. Alternatively, if the election does happen, neither side will accept the results if their choice does not win. That itself could be the catalyst for another civil war, but I believe there are enough external threats within the country right now that could be a bigger problem.

It sounds like I am predicting doom and gloom with no hope in sight. But there is hope if you know where to find it. This blog is called Thru Dark Glass. That name comes from 1 Corinthians 13:11-12. “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” We don’t know all things, but you can know the One who holds the future. Jesus Christ is the hope for those who put their faith in Him. Those who don’t know Him may be fearful of the things that are coming. Those who truly know Him will have peace because we know that He is in control of everything. These things have been prophesied to happen before His second coming. If you do not know Him, now is the time. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:2, “For [God] says, ‘In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.’ Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

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